Hours and Attendance
School Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Student Absence
Call 218-336-8825, Press 2 or email CongdonAttendance@isd709.org
Provide this information:
Student's name, grade, teacher
Date and reason for the absence
Your name and relationship to the student
Please report the absence before 9 a.m.
Arrival Procedures
- Students may enter the building and proceed to their classrooms at 7:35 a.m.
- Students who do not ride a bus should not arrive at school prior to 7:35 a.m., as we do not provide supervision, unless they are participating in the breakfast program.
- If a student is participating in the breakfast program, they may go directly to the school cafeteria, where they are expected to remain until 7:35 a.m.
- Students are not to play on the playground before school, as there is no supervision.
- Students who arrive late for any reason (except a late bus or crossing guard duty) must sign in with an adult in the office and obtain an admission slip before going to class.
- STUDENT DROP OFF (MORNING): Families will enter the driveway from Congdon Park Drive. All cars will stay on the right side of the driveway closest to the sidewalk. Cars will stop prior to the crosswalk and allow the students to exit (on the right side). Students will stay on the sidewalk and go directly to the main door. Families, please stay in line as you are dropping off your child. This parking lot will be very busy especially during drop off and pick up times. Once your child(ren) is safely out of your vehicle, we ask that you promptly pull away from the building as we may have several vehicles in queue. There will be no parking allowed in the driveway. Cars will exit only onto Greysolon Place.
Families who would like to park and walk their child(ren) into the building must park in the parking lot. Enter the parking lot from the East end, parking in the visitor parking area. Please follow the cross walk and go directly to the main door. Due to the limited amount of parking spaces, visitor parking is very limited between 7:30-8 a.m. and 2-2:30 p.m.
CONGDON BREAKFAST PROGRAM: We offer a free breakfast program to all Congdon Park students. It starts at 7:20 a.m. All students are expected to stay in the cafeteria until 7:35 a.m.
Dismissal Procedures
- To avoid the end-of-the-day rush, students in kindergarten and first grade are escorted out of the building by their teachers three minutes early.
- Students riding the bus will be walked to their bus area on Superior Street. Students will load the bus, sit down, and use quiet voices while riding the bus.
- Walkers will be dismissed from the front door facing Superior Street. If your child is a walker, please meet him/her outside and practice walking the route before school starts.
- Families will be provided a number to put in their vehicle window that will correspond with the child(ren)'s pick up number. Parents are to remain in their vehicle to expedite this process.
- A Congdon Park staff member will identify you and your vehicle number and retrieve your child(ren) from the designated wait area (by the main door). A staff member will escort your child to your vehicle. Once you child is safely in your vehicle, we ask that you promptly pull away from the building as this is a very congested area. Anyone other than the identified vehicle/license plate picking up your child will be questioned for appropriate identification. Please notify the office or your child's teacher of any changes. All students who have not been picked up by 2:25 will be waiting inside by the office area. No students will be allowed on the playground without parent/guardian supervision at any time.
- All unsupervised students must leave the building by 2:30 p.m. If a student is still in the school or on the playground unsupervised after 2:30 p.m., they will be instructed to go to the school office where their parent will be notified. The student will wait in the office until the parent picks them up. We do this for your child's safety.
- For children who need early/after school supervision, please enroll in KEY Zone.
Early Dismissal
- For excused absences during the day, such as for doctor or dental appointments, students are expected to bring a written note stating the times they are to be excused. A parent must pick up and sign out children in the school office.
- Also, if a child is returning to school from an appointment, they must sign in at the school office with an adult and obtain an admission slip before returning to class.
Notify us if Your Student's After School Pick up Changes
- To ensure that changes to regular pick-up arrangements are honored, parents must notify the school IN WRITING. Your student should bring a note to school notifying Congdon Park of the change in your child's after school pick up plans. Please have your student give it to their teacher no later than the morning of the change.
- If you forget to send a note, or if the arrangements need to be changed, please notify the office by 1:30 p.m. This will ensure enough time to get the message to the teacher/student before the end of the day rush.
Late Drop Off Updated Procedures:
Families may park in the 15 minute parking spot by door #1 (main door).
Families may call the school (218) 336-8825 to let us know you are dropping off your student.
Families may send your student into the lobby and direct them to the office door area. Families also may walk students into the lobby as well. Door # 1 is unlocked and open to the lobby area.
Students will ring the buzzer (outside the office area) and enter the office area.
Office staff will check them in and send them to class.
Early Pick Up Updated Procedures:
Please notify your student’s teacher by note or email before or on the day that your student will be getting picked up early.
Families may park in the 15 minute parking spot by door #1 (main door). Families may also choose to wait in the lobby.
Families may call the office 218-336-8825 ext 0 or 1845 to let us know you are here.
Student(s) will be sent out to the family.